Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sacramental Preparation Meeting

Sacramental Preparation Meeting
Wednesday,  February 21st, 2018

Mass Cards are due on Thursday, March 14th.

Students will turn their mass cards in to Mrs. White.
Students will earn a free dress pass as a reward for going to mass at least ten times.
Non-Catholics may turn in a one page paper on Thursday March 14th in lieu of a mass card.
Non- Catholics can write about their culture and/or religion.
First Reconciliation – Tuesday, March 20, 2016 at 8:30 am

Students wear nice church clothes.
Children will sit in the corners of the pews.
Parents will sit with their child in the Church.
When it is your child’s turn, you may receive the sacrament along with you child.
Please present your child to the priest and let them do Reconciliation.
When your child is done with Reconciliation, you can receive Reconciliation if you want to.
No cell phones or food allowed in Church.
There will be a celebration directly after Reconciliation in Scanlan Hall.
Please do not take photos of children during Reconciliation or the celebration.
Mrs. Byrne will have students line up at the end of Reconciliation for a class photo.
Saint Thomas More does not hire photography for Reconciliation.
Who would like to be in charge of organizing the celebration?

First Communion – Saturday, April 21st, 2018 at 10:00 am

Students will meet in the second grade classroom at 9:30am.
Families are not allowed in school before Communion.
Immediate families will find their pew marked with their child’s banner.
Only four people allowed in pew with student.
Students will sit in the corners of the pew.
Other family members will find seats throughout the church.
No cell phones or food allowed in Church.
There will be a celebration directly after Communion in Scanlan Hall.
Attire: Girls – white dresses, white shoes, white socks/tights, shoulder
Boys – black or navy slacks, white long-sleeved collared shirt,
navy tie

Banners are due on Wednesday, March 28th

Banners should be approximately 12 x 18 inches in size, and can be purchased online.
Banners should also include your child’s name.
They will be affixed to the pew the child and their immediate family members
(no more than 4 adults) will sit.You may take banners home with you after communion.

The photographer will be the only person allowed in the aisles or on the altar.
Please stay seated and refrain from picture taking during the entire ceremony out of
respect to all families.
Please do not take pictures of students in the classroom, hallways, or when students are in line.

Here is a list of ideas to put on First Communion banners
Your Name
 The Date of your First Holy Communion
 Grapes, wheat, chalice
 Stained glass window
·      Rosary
Materials Needed to Make a First Communion Banner:
 Big piece of felt or other fabric for background
 Wooden dowel
 Assorted colors of felt (the stiff kind works best)
 Sharp Scissors
 Glitter glue or Fabric paint and craft jewels (optional)
Directions for Making a Banner from the website Catholic Icing
1. Start by having you child sketch out what they want their first
communion banner to look like.
2. When they’re ready, have them cut their symbol pieces out of felt.  
Stiff felt is easier to work with than the floppy kind.

3. Have them keep arranging their pieces and designing their first
communion banner until everything is where they want it.

4. Glue the pieces down. Cut the letters of your child’s name out of felt,
or you can look for pre-cut felt letters at your craft store, or you can buy
iron-on letters.
5. Once the felt pieces are all down, your child can embellish their
first communion banner with glitter glue and fabric paint or even fake
6. When your child is finished decorating the front of their banner, let it
all dry before moving on.

7.  Now you need to be able to put the dowel through the back so it can
hang up.  
8. Tie on your string to your dowel and you’re all finished!
9. What do you do with a first communion banner? Well, it’s displayed
at the first communion mass. We will hang them off the sides of
the pews.

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