Monday, April 30, 2018

Homework April 31st- May 11th

Monday, April 31st

Superkids- Spelling Test on Friday ( Level 5 Unit 4 Week 3)

Math test on Thursday ( Topic 12)

Math workbook pages 12-4 & 12-5

Write goal for this week.

Tuesday, May 1st 

Math workbook page 12-6

Eucharist pages 82-85

Wednesday, May 2nd 

Math workbook page 12-7

Thursday, May 3rd 

Eucharist pages 84-90

Superkids- Study for Spelling Test on Friday ( Level 5 Unit 4 Week 3)

Turn in Goal.

Monday, May 7th (No School. )

Study for Spelling Test on Wednesday

Tuesday, May 8th 

Superkids- Spelling Test tomorrow  ( Level 5 Unit 4 Week 4)

Math workbook pages 14-1 & 14-2

Wednesday, May 9th 

Math workbook page 14-3

Eucharist pages 91-95

Math test  Topic 14 on Monday the 14th 

Thursday, May 10th 

Eucharist pages 96-100

All pages in the Eucharist book should be colored and completed. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


No written homework on April 25th and 26th. Please study for your spelling test on Friday and continue to practice for the Spring Program at home.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Seating Map First Communion & Rules

Below is the seating plan for our First Communion. Immediate family members will sit in the middle of the pews with the children at the ends. 

Seating Map First Communion



Mrs. Byrne & STM Staff

(2 columns of pews in the center of the church)
                                               Doors to walk in

Rory, Steven, Camila, and Dominic are in the first two pews.
Rory and Steven share a pew. Camila and Dominic share a pew.
Raiden and Zayna are in pew five.  They do not share a pew with anybody.
Banners with students names will also on be on the pews.

To help with the smooth running of the First Communion ceremony, we ask for your co-operation and to please note the following:
All students need to be dropped off in the classroom by 9:30am Parents may go to the church after dropping off your child.
Seating arrangements – children are seated in reserved seats with their family members. Half a pew has been reserved for each family. Additional seating will be available behind this area for extra family and friends that will be attending the ceremony.
Parents and family members are asked to remain seated before and during the ceremony. Please do not leave your seat at any time to take photos or video.
All the children will gather at the rear of the church in order to process together to their seats at the beginning of the mass. The procession will begin when everyone is seated.
A professional photographer has been hired to take a photo of your child as they receive their First Communion.
A professional class photograph will be taken immediately after Mass. Please remain seated until this has been taken. A copy of your child’s individual photo, as well as a class photograph, will be provided to you shortly.
Walk a few steps behind your child as they go up to receive Communion. Stop a few steps back to allow the photographer to take your child’s special picture. Parents can then step forward to receive. After parents have received Communion you will move to the left with your child for a family photo before returning to your seat.
A professional photographer will be taking photographs of children as they receive Holy Communion.
After the Communion Ceremony please join us for a brief reception in Scanlan Hall.
Lastly, enjoy this special day with your child and help to create memories that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.

Homework April 16- April 20

Monday, April 16th 

Spelling Test this Wednesday! (The list is called Level 5 Unit 4 Week.)

Math- workbook page 12-2

Eucharist pages 56-60

Write goal.

Practice Communion Songs and lines every night. 

Butterfly song-

Tuesday, April 17th 

Eucharist pages 61- 65

Wednesday, April 18th 

Math- workbook page 12-3

Eucharist pages 66-70

Practice Communion Songs and lines every night. 

Thursday, April 19th 

Eucharist pages 71-75

Free Dress  & No homework on Monday, April 23rd  for second grade students who turned in their mass cards or cultural papers on time. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Homework (Monday, April 9th- Friday, April 13th)

Monday, April 9th

Welcome back! No Homework.

Tuesday, April 10th

Write goal for this week.

Math workbook page 10-8 ( review)

Eucharist book- Chapter 5 pages 41-45

Practice Communion lines and Songs

Butterfly song-

Wednesday, April 11th

Math workbook page 9-2

Eucharist book pages 46-50

Practice Communion lines and Songs

Thursday, April 12th 

Math workbook page 12-1

Eucharist book pages 51-55

Practice Communion lines and Songs

Please bring in sandwiches for the needy tomorrow. Second and sixth grade take the lead.

Turn in goal tomorrow.

Sat. April 21st Communion-   Four people may sit with your child during communion. Please remember you are sharing the pew with another student and his/her family. The banner will be on the pew. It should help guide you to the designated pew.