Friday, January 20, 2017

Homework Monday, January 23rd to Monday, February 6th (2 weeks)

Monday, January 23rd
Nate the Great Pages 7–21 Do handout lesson 16. # 7
(Turn in Nate the Great packet and book on next Thursday, February 2nd. )

Star of the week compliments due Friday

Math- Bring in one small item for a pretend store/sale at school tomorrow. (We are learning about money.)

Tuesday, January 24th
Nate the Great Pages 22–33 Do handout lesson 17. # 8

Math- practice counting coins

Wednesday, January 25th

Nate the Great Pages 34–45 Do handout lesson 18. # 9

Math- 13-5

Thursday, January 26th

Nate the Great Pages 46–63 Do handout lesson 19. # 10

Monday, January 30th
Do Nate the Great handout lesson 20.  # 12 Turn in packet and book on Thursday.

Bring a brown lunch to school tomorrow. Don’t bring your backpack, planner, or red folder.
Free Dress tomorrow. Wear layers.

Math- Reteaching 13 Due on Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 31- Field Trip
No Homework tonight.

Wednesday, February 1st
Grandparents Day Homework- Write a letter to your grandparents or your special visitor telling them how special they are. What do you love about them? What do you like to do with them? What were they like when they were in second grade? The letter should be at least 10 sentences long. Remember to skip lines. If no one is coming, you can write a letter to anyone that is special to you. Include a picture of that someone special with you. You can either draw your grandparents or put in an actual photo. Or do both! Due on Thursday! Turn it in tomorrow.

Make sure Nate the Great packet is complete and you have checked your spelling. Turn it in with the book tomorrow.

Math- TBA

Thursday, February 2nd- Grandparents' Day

No homework. Have a great weekend!

Monday, February 6
If you couldn't come to the open house, please write a paragraph about what you did over the weekend. Circle the nouns in red. Underline the verbs in green. Put a square around the adjectives in blue. Lastly, write the adverbs in pink.

Mandatory Parent Meeting tonight at 7 sharp. The meeting will last one hour.

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