Thursday, November 3, 2016

2nd Grade Thanksgiving Day Party- Tuesday, November 22nd

Please respond below/comment if you would like to bring in one of the following. Write what you will be bringing to the class party. Please bring all food at arrival. You must bring in enough food for 30 students. All food should be washed, cut, and easy to serve. Only one item from each category will be allowed. Also only parents who signed up on this blog ahead of time may bring in treats for the party. Thank you for your cooperation. Happy Thanksgiving!

Fruit or a Fruit Salad

  1.  Elizabeth will bring in fruit salad with tangerines, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Please let me know if anyone is allergic to any of these. - 

Vegetables or a Vegetable Salad

  1.  ?
  2. (Salad prongs too if need be.)
  3. * America is not a melting pot, but rather a mixed salad with all our unique and great characteristics. Two big words to go over are: Assimilation and Acculturation. Assimilation is a two-way process, and the majority culture is changed as well as the minority culture. Acculturation occurs when the minority culture changes but is still able to retain unique cultural markers of language, food and customs.

Sweet Treat

  1. Rafael will be bringing cupcakes.

Salty Treat

  1. Mateo will be bringing pretzels. 

  1. I'll bring juice! (CapriSun) -Brayden

  1. Brian


  1. Hi! Rafael will be bringing cupcakes, as promised. Thanks!

  2. Mateo will bring pretzels for a salty treat.

  3. I'll bring juice! (CapriSun)


  4. Elizabeth will bring in fruit salad with tangerines, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Please let me know if anyone is allergic to any of these. - Silvia
