Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Communion Rules

First Holy Communion
Saturday, May 13th, 2017
To help with the smooth running of the First Communion ceremony, we ask for your co-operation and to please note the following
V  All students need to be dropped off in the classroom by 9:30am. Parents may go to the church after dropping off your child. Immediate families will find their pew marked with their child’s banner. Other family members will find seats throughout the church.
V  Parents and family members are asked to remain seated before and during the ceremony. Please do not leave your seat at any time to take photos or video.
V  All the children will gather at the rear of the church in order to process together to their seats at the beginning of the mass. The procession will begin when everyone is seated.
V  A professional photographer has been hired to take a photo of your child as they receive their First Communion.
V  Walk a few steps behind your child as they go up to receive Communion. Stop a few steps back to allow the photographer to take your child’s special picture. Parents can then step forward to receive. After parents have received Communion you will move to the left with your child for a family photo before returning to your seat.
V  A professional class photograph will be taken immediately after Mass. Please remain seated until this has been taken. A copy of your child’s individual photo, as well as a class photograph, will be provided to you shortly.
V  After the Communion Ceremony please join us for a brief reception in Scanlan Hall.
V  Girls – white dresses, white shoes, white socks/tights, shoulder length veils, NO MAKE-UP, NO GLOVES

V  Boys – black or navy slacks, white long-sleeved collared shirt, navy tie

V  Lastly, enjoy this special day with your child and help to create memories that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.
V  Banners: Banners should be approximately 12 x 18 inches in size, and can be purchased online. Banners should also include your child’s name. They will be affixed to the pew the child and their immediate family members (no more than 4 adults) will sit.

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