Thursday, November 3, 2016

Homework Week of November 7th

Superkids website has been updated. It is now set to Unit 2. All backpack pages and spelling lists for Unit 2 are online for you to see and print. 

5 Things that came up at Parent Teacher Conferences
1. Please email Mel and I if you lost your mass card.
2. The mass card can be signed by any priest at any church. (We do want you to go to Saint Thomas More for mass, but understand it may be more convenient to go elsewhere a few times.)
3. I can not only see when your child logs on to Superkids, Razkids, and mathletics, but I can see for how long and what their results were.
4. Razkids levels go up the more your child reads and answers questions correctly.
5. Here are some websites to use for extra challenge.
Readworks and Trueflix username: stmoore password flix
I enjoyed meeting all of you and learning more about your child. Thanks for the positive feedback. I truly appreciate it!

Friday, November 11th is a holiday.
Saint Thomas More will be volunteering at Saint Vincent De Paul.  If you have extra time, please have your child make Thanksgiving Day Art that I can bring with me and put up on the walls. Thanks!

Homework Week of November 7th- November 11th 

Monday, November 6th
This is a important week in history. Please talk to your child about the election and Veteran's Day. You can watch the news together, read the newspaper together, and have family led discussions. Also please talk to your child about Veteran's Day. Why is it a holiday? What veterans do you have in your family? What sacrifices did they make? What are some different ways we can thank veterans?

Social Studies- To help guide the conversation, please read the political parties and Constitution packet with your child. There are multiple choice and short answer questions as well. All sentences should be complete and have correct spelling. The packet is due on Thursday. ( I found the packet on Readworks. Feel free to download more articles and lessons from the website. )

Star of the Week compliments due Thursday.

Math- 5-4

Tuesday, November 7th
Social Studies- Continue to work on packet

Math- 5-5

Wednesday, November 8th
Social Studies- packet due tomorrow
Write a thank you letter or a card to a Veteran. It can be anyone that has fought for this country or another country. Give the letter or card to the Veteran. Your parents can also hold on to it until you see him or her.

Math- 5-6

Thursday, November 9th
No homework. Have a good weekend.

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