Monday, November 27th
Superkids- Backpack page 24
Spelling Test is on Friday. The list is Level 5, Unit 2, Week 2. The link is lesson 6 on Superkids.
Math- workbook pages 5-1 and 3-1
Write goal for this week in your planner.
Tuesday, November 28th
Superkids- Backpack page 25
Math- workbook pages 5-2 & 3-2
Music- Practice Christmas Song with Stuff Animals tonight
Mr. Johnson's group- Reconciliation pages 74-77
Wednesday, November 29th
Superkids- Backpack page 26
Math- Santa Secret Shop is tomorrow. Don't forget to bring in money for gifts if you would like to buy things.
Tonight for homework as a family practice shopping at home using dollars and coins. Please role play being both the customer and the cashier.
Music- Practice Christmas song with family
Thursday, November 30th
Superkids- Study for spelling test tomorrow!
Writing- Please write at least 5 sentences telling me what your favorite family Christmas tradition is. It can be about food, celebrations, tree decorations, anything that is treasured or memorable. Remember to use correct punctuation and no run on sentences. Lastly, draw a picture of your favorite Christmas tradition.
Turn in goal for this week.
Star of the week compliments are due tomorrow.
Please bring in sandwiches for the needy. 2nd and 6th grade take the lead.
See you at Sunday's Family Mass.