Friday, April 28, 2017

Homework May 1st- May 5th

Monday, May 1st

Religion- Eucharist book- Chapter 4 pages 31-35

Star of the week compliments due Friday

Communion Banners are due Wednesday, May 3rd.
Please look at the Communion paper for guidelines.

Please practice making the sign of the cross with your child. While at mass, point out how older students cup their hands to receive communion, say Amen, and make the sign of the cross. After communion, students kneel and pray. Reinforcing this at home will really help with practice. Thanks!

Math- Reteaching sheet

Thanks for the lovely compliment book and gift card!

Tuesday, May 2nd

Religion- Eucharist book- Chapter 4 pages 36-40
(Bring the book to school on Friday.)
Highlight the bold words with their definitions and important facts in Chapter 4.

Please practice the following songs at home with your child for communion.

1. The Butterfly Song

The Butterfly Song - YouTube
(With hand movements taught in class)

2. Sing a New Song

3. Here I am Lord

Wednesday, May 3rd

Religion- Eucharist book- Chapter 5 pages 41-45
(Bring the book to school on Friday.)

If your child is reading during the Communion mass, please practice reading it together.

Remember to speak:
  1. Loud
  2. Clear
  3. Slow

  1. Make eye contact.
  2. Know who reads before and after you.
  3. Know when you walk to the altar to read.

Math- TBA

Thursday, May 4th

Religion- Eucharist book- Chapter 5 pages 46-50
Highlight the bold words with their definitions and important facts in Chapter 5

Bring book to school tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Homework- April 24-27

Monday, April 24th

Today we will begin practicing in the church for Communion. Please help your child prepare for communion at home.

Religion Eucharist book - Review Chapter 1 pages 1-10
Make sure you highlighted the bold words with their definitions and important facts in Chapter 1.

Religion Eucharist book - Chapter 2 pages 11-15

(Bring the book to school on Friday.)

Communion Banners are due Wednesday, May 3rd. 

Tuesday, April 25th

Religion Eucharist book- Chapter 2 pages 16-20
Highlight the bold words with their definitions and important facts in Chapter 2

Math- 15-5

Wednesday, April 26th

Religion Eucharist book- Chapter 3 pages 21-25
(Bring the book to school on Friday.)

Math- 15-9

Thursday, April 27th

Religion Eucharist book- Chapter 3 pages 26- 30
Highlight the bold words with their definitions and important facts in Chapter 3

Bring Eucharist book to school on Friday. We are going to discuss what you learned in Chapter 2 & 3. All pages from 1-30 should be finished.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017

Letter to Pen Pals

If you haven't already, please bring in an envelope with a stamp and return the Superkids paper in which you list their address.

Ms. Wilkinson