Homework week of September 6
Tuesday, September 6th
Religion- Mother Teresa was a very kind woman. Post on the blog with your parents one kind thing you did over this weekend or this week. Please post below this in the comments section. Due Friday! Worth 2 Raffle tickets!
(Please check the blog daily for updates on homework, etc.)
Reading Journal- Read your library book for 15 mins. Quietly read the book aloud, using different accents or voices for each character. Keep trying voices until each character feels “right.” And/Or Quietly read the book aloud several times until you can read it smoothly and with good expression. Write in your journal which one you did. Keep your reading journal at home until Friday. On Friday, turn in your reading journal to me.
Example of first page in reading journal:
Ms. Wilkinson September 6, 2016
I read the Giving Tree outloud to my mom five times. We practiced reading with expression. I stopped and took a breath at each period.
Math- 1-4 Both sides all week!
Wednesday, September 7th
Superkids-Backpack page 3&4
Reading Journal- Reading Journal- Read your library book for 15 mins. As you read, write down three words you don’t know. Look them up and write down the definitions. And/ Or Write down five things that you learned from your book.
Math- 1-5
Thursday, September 8th
Please check your child's homework every night. Make sure homework is correct, complete, and in their red homework folder. Please sign the homework is not complete paper in your child's folder if homework was not completed.
Please make sure to turn in Wednesday's folders on either Thursday or Friday signed with the date. Please sign the Wednesday folder if it is in your child's backpack.
Thank you for checking your child's homework and helping them turn in things complete and on time. It really helps with the morning time.
Please finish our star of the week, Elijah's, compliments page for his book. There should be at least five sentences written about why Elijah is an awesome kid. Don't forget to decorate your page.
We had our first Star test practice today. Please help reinforce with your child not to rush through the test. Take their time! Be patient and wait for the "Next" button. It may take a few seconds to appear after they selected their answer.
(History homework for tonight will be assigned next week. )
Reading Journal due tomorrow!
Math- 1-6
I have uploaded all parent emails on Superkids. I am still uploading parent emails on Razzkids. Students can still log on to both Superkids and Razzkids even if parent emails aren't finished.